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Who We Are. Our spirits are the essence of our beings. It is the force given to us by our creator that animates the body, and allows it to be alive and aware of its existence

What is our spirit

Our spirit is the force that allows life, given to us by our creator who is a spirit. Our spirits are our emotions, intellect, and gives us an awareness of ourselves and free-will.





    Soul vs, Spirit

    It is important to understand the difference between our souls and our spirits. Our spirits are the force that allow life, given to us by our creator. Our souls are the combination of spirit and body, the completed being we are.





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      Spiritual health

      The wellness of a persons spirit, that can be achieved by developing our relationship with our creator, which brings peace and hope in life.





        Spiritual development

        Developing our spirit can only be achieved with a relationship with the one who gave us the spirit, God. And God has said the only way to him is through his son Jesus Christ. We develop our spirits by becoming students of Jesus, as we learn from him the truth about our existence.




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